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Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization 2012 First meeting of the EURO Working Group VeRoLog
De 18 a 20 de Junho de 2012
The first meeting of the EURO working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization (VeRoLog, www.verolog.eu <http://www.verolog.eu>) will take place in Bologna, Italy from June 18 to 20, 2012. The conference aims at being a regular meeting of the large community of researchers and practitioners interested in Vehicle Routing optimization and its relations with Logistics. The conference is open to high quality methodological contributions and relevant and real-world applications from the industry and services. Bologna is very nice historical Italian town that hosts one of the largest universities in Italy that was founded in 1088. Bologna is very well connected by road, train and plane to all major European and international destination and has a long-lasting tradition in warm hospitality and excellent cooking. Conference Venue The conference will be hosted by the University of Bologna at the Faculty of Engineering, Viale Risorgimento, 2, Bologna, Italy. Abstract submission An abstract of 1-2 pages must be submitted to participate to the conference. Accepted abstract with a registered presenter will be included in the conference proceedings. At most one presentation per registered participant is accepted. All selected abstract will be presented within parallel session during the conference. Selected high quality paper based on the presentation will be included in a special issue of European Journal of Operational Research edited after the conference.