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II BRISPE €“ Second Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics 28 de Maio a 1° de Junho de 2012 UFRJ, FIOCRUZ, USP e PUCRS
As inscrições para o II Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics (II BRISPE), 28 de Maio-1 de Junho, já estão abertas (www.iibrispe.coppe.ufrj.br).
Incluído nas atividades do evento está o curso "On Writing and Publishing Science" (29-30 Maio), que será ministrado pela presidente do Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), ao qual estão filiadas as principais editoras científicas. O curso abordará desde questões diversas sobre scientific writing até problemas específicos sobre revisão e cancelamento de artigos, ressaltando tendências nas políticas editoriais dos principais periódicos. Pesquisadores jovens e experientes (incluindo alunos de pós-graduação), bem como editores, são o principal público-alvo do curso.
O II BRISPE está inserido no seguinte contexto:
Brazilian Science, Leadership and Research Integrity
Brazil is rapidly becoming a regional and international research leader. Leadership, however, requires more than high quality scientific publications. Leadership also requires a commitment to assuring that the science behind discoveries is undertaken responsibly and with integrity. Especially in the last few decades, the research community has been faced with a number of ethical challenges relating to concepts of accountability in science and to fostering public trust in research results, among others. These issues are of particular importance as dialogues between science and society have become stronger in contemporary science. As an emerging research leader, Brazil should play an active role in these dialogues and involve its research community in ongoing international discussions on research ethics and integrity. In this context, the Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics (BRISPE) provides a forum to address ethical issues of particular relevance to research institutions, international journals and funding agencies. The II BRISPE is designed to engage researchers, editors, educators and policymakers in current conversations about research integrity and its impact on emerging changes to the way of doing, communicating and reviewing science at the beginning of the 21st century.
O II BRISPE será realizado nas cidades do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Porto Alegre no período de 28 de Maio a 1° de Junho de 2012 na UFRJ, FIOCRUZ, USP e PUCRS.