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Edifício Medical Center - Rua Maestro João Seppe, nº. 900, 16º. andar - Sala 163 |
São Carlos/SP - CEP: 13561-120
III International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering (EURO:TUN 2013)
De 17 a 19 de Abril de 2013
EURO:TUN 2013 aims to discuss the latest advances and challenges connected with numerical prognosis models and computational methods to generate safe, economic and environmentally friendly solutions in subsurface engineering and tunneling.
Along the lines of the previous conferences it will provide a forum for the discussion, assessment and review of latest advancements and future perspectives of numerical modeling and computational technologies in tunneling and subsurface engineering. EURO:TUN 2013 expands the range of topics from the specific area of simulation models for tunneling engineering towards computational models and methods for related areas of subsurface engineering such as mining, caverns, geothermal energy and subsurface storage facilities.
Important dates:
Deadline submission abstract: September 1, 2012
Deadline for submitting the full paper: December 15, 2012