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Edifício Medical Center - Rua Maestro João Seppe, nº. 900, 16º. andar - Sala 163 |
São Carlos/SP - CEP: 13561-120
The 2012 CYTED-HAROSA Workshop & Meeting on Applied Optimization & Distributed Computing aims to be an open and international forum for disseminating recent advances in the fields of Hybrid Algorithms for solving Realistic rOuting, Scheduling and reliability/Availability problems€ (HAROSA).
The main goal of this workshop & meeting event is to get together members of the IN3-HAROSA KC, CTP-VERTEVALLEE, MCYT-HAROSA and CYTED-HAROSA@IB communities, as well as related partners, in order to present some of our current research activities and also to design and organize new ones for the future.
The 2012 CYTED-HAROSA Int. Workshop is an open event and the registration is free by invitation of any of the General Chairs. It will be held in at Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile.
2012 CYTED-HAROSA Workshop General & Local Committee Chairs:
Dr. Jorge Baier - jabaier@ing.puc.cl
Dr. Carlos Hernández - chernan@ucsc.cl
Dr. Alfredo Candia - acandia@utalca.cl
Call For Abstracts
The CYTED-HAROSA 2012 workshop welcomes the submission of abstracts describing novel research on hybrid algorithms and software applications aimed at solving complex realistic challenge in the following areas:
Routing problems
Scheduling problems
System Reliability & Availability
Distributed Systems
Collaborative Systems
Parallel Programming
Grid & Cloud Computing
Hybrid Intelligent Algorithms
Modeling & Simulation
Constraint Programming
Optimization methods
Distributed Problem Solving
Environmental sustainability
Applications to real-life scenarios
Decision-support systems
Collaborative e-Researching
Academic applications
Abstracts must be submitted in English.
Special Student Track in Spanish
This year, CYTED-HAROSA will have a special track that will welcome submissions on research under development (which could be more speculative, or for which results are still not complete). A student must be the main author of these abstracts.
Both talks and abstracts for this track will be given in Spanish.
What to Submit
Abstracts must be at most 400 words and describing unpublished or recently published research. To submit your abstract, please logon to Easychair using the link below:
There will be two CYTED-HAROSA Special Issues associated with this event:
Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Grasman, S.; Govindan, K. (eds.) (2013): €œRich and Real-Life Vehicle Routing Problems€. Special Issue Int. J. of Advanced Operations Management. ISSN: 1758-938X. http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=340
Hirsch, P.; Faulin, J.; Gronalt, M.; Juan, A. (eds.) (2013): €œOR Applications in Natural Resources Management€. Special Issue Journal of Applied Operational Research. ISSN: 1735-8523.http://www.tadbir.ca/jaor/jaor_special_issue3.pdf