Telefone/Fax: (16) 3412-9752 / e-mail: sbmac@sbmac.org.br
Edifício Medical Center - Rua Maestro João Seppe, nº. 900, 16º. andar - Sala 163 |
São Carlos/SP - CEP: 13561-120
IPDO Symposium's main objectives are to bring the three communities of researchers in the fields of inverse problems, design theory, and optimization together and provide a common forum for presenting different applications, problems, and solution strategy concepts. Hence, IPDO Symposium is a privileged place for scientific exchanges relating the measurement and theory approaches through the use of suitable optimization algorithms.
Abstracts and papers submission
Please submit a two-page abstract in pdf format via the symposium website (download Template)
December 31, 2012
deadline for submission of two-page abstracts
January 15, 2013
informing about acceptability of abstracts
April 15, 2013
deadline for submission of full eight-page papers
May 15, 2013
deadline for early registration
Low cost lodging opportunities in the student houses on the campus are proposed for up to 25 PhD students. Total cost is 100‚ per student from Monday to Saturday including 5 nights and 4 breakfasts. Reservations of these studio apartments (one student per studio apartment) should be requested during online registration and will be attributed in the order of online registration.
Plenary and keynote lectures
Prof. Alemdar Hasanoglu (Hasanov) - Izmir University, Turkey « Inverse source problems related to vibrating cantilevered beam, based on boundary or/and final data measurements »
Prof. Alfred K. Louis - Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany « Feature Reconstruction in Tomography »
Prof. Carlo Poloni €“ ESTECO, Trieste, Italy « Inverse Problems and Design Optimization: a multidisciplinary industrial perspective »
Prof. Eduardo Souza de Cursi - INSA - Rouen, France « Uncertainty Quantification in Numerical Optimization »
Prof. Patrick Thiran - EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland « Locating the Source of Diffusion in Large-Scale Networks »
Prof. Vassili Toropov - University of Leeds, UK « Aerospace applications of multidisciplinary optimization »