We are happy to announce that the program of the Mathematical Congress of the Americas to be held in Guanajuato, August 5-9, 2013, will include two posters sessions. All those willing to present a contribution in the congress are kindly invited do it by means of a poster. Young researchers are strongly encouraged to take this opportunity to present their work in an international Conference and to be exposed to the most recent developments in active areas in Mathematics.
All participants who wish to present a poster must submit an abstract not later than the 1st of April, 2013, to postersmca@cimat.mx. Acceptance will be notified on April 21 at the most. Nevertheless, those needing an early resolution about the acceptance of their proposal should send the abstract before February 28, in this case the date of notification will be March 31.
Guidelines for abstract submissions: • All submissions should be sent to the email address postersmca@cimat.mx • The abstract should be sent in Latex format, avoiding the use of macros, in a file using the format: name-surname.tex to name it. • The abstract should not exceed 400 words. • The abstract should include Title, author name, address and email address, AMS subject classifications, key words/phrases, and references. In case there are several authors in the work, the name of the person who will present the poster should be indicated clearly. • Please submit your abstracts only, full paper or article is not required.
Poster Sessions will take place on Tuesday and Thursday morning. In order to draw as much attention as possible, posters will be set up one day prior to each session.