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Edifício Medical Center - Rua Maestro João Seppe, nº. 900, 16º. andar - Sala 163 |
São Carlos/SP - CEP: 13561-120
1st Symposium on Big Data and Public Health - BDPH 2013
De 24 a 25 de Outubro de 2013
A FGV-RJ, a FIOCRUZ e o INPE estão organizando o 1st Symposium on Big Data and Public Health - BDPH 2013, a ser realizado nos dias 24-25 de Outubro, na FGV no Rio de Janeiro.
As inscrições para submissão de trabalhos estão abertas! ____________
Public health issues have one feature in common which is the scale. Understanding health issues in large populations, require not only highly multi-dimensional datasets, but also detailed historical data geographically localized covering entire countries if not continents or the entire Globe.
The large volumes of data and the computational, mathematical and statistical tools necessary for the efficient analysis of such problems, fuel very active and innovative research communities.
In this Symposium, we aim to bring together researchers from the various fields above to present their most recent work and discuss the challenges of Big data and Public Health in the 21st century.