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11th International Meeting on High-Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR 2014)
De 30 de Junho a 03 de Julho de 2014
11th International Meeting on High-Performance Computing
for Computational Science (VECPAR 2014) University of Oregon and Hilton Conference Center Eugene, Oregon, USA June 30 - July 3, 2014 http://www.vecpar.org/ -------------------------------------------------------------- ### IMPORTANT DATES & PAPER SUBMISSION ### Paper Submission Due (8-pages): February 12, 2014 (extended) Author Notification: March 20, 2014 Contributions are solicited in all areas of computational science and engineering (CS&E), including (but not limited to) the following topics of interest: * Large-scale Simulations in CS&E * Parallel and Distributed Computing * Numerical Algorithms for CS&E * Multiscale and Multiphysics Problems * Data Intensive Computing * Imaging and Graphics * Performance Analysis You should make your submissions through EasyChair at: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=vecpar2014 The submitted paper must be camera-ready and formatted according to the rules of the Springer Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS): http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0 Detailed information about paper submission will be found at http://www.vecpar.org/. ### VECPAR 2014 at Eugene, Oregon ### VECPAR provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners in branches of science that require computer modeling and simulation to get together and discuss techniques and technologies that can contribute to the effective analysis of complex systems and physical phenomena. VECPAR seeks to engage participants from academia, research lab's and industry to address pressing issues in computational science resulting from applications of interest to society and hardware innovations. VECPAR 2014 is back to USA, and will be held in Eugene, Oregon. ### Proceedings of VECPAR 2014 ### Please note that papers (for conference presentation) must not exceed 8 pages in length, when typeset using the LNCS format. Accepted papers will be distributed in electronic format to participants of VECPAR2014. Printed versions of the invited talks and a set of selected papers will be published by Springer in the series entitled Lecture Notes in Computer Science, according with all manuscripts must be formatted. Selected papers will be limited to 14 pages and will be judged based on relevance, significance, originality, correctness and clarity. More information about this process will be sent to interested authors after VECPAR 2014. ## CONTACT If you have any further questions, please contact: Kengo Nakajima, Scientific Committee Chair Supercomputing Division, Information Technology Center The University of Tokyo FAX: +81-3-5841-2708 e-mail: nakajima(at)cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp We are looking forward to your submissions !! Yours Sincerely, Kengo Nakajima, Scientific Committee Chair Allen D. Malony, General Chair Sameer Shende, Local Arrangements Chair Osni Marques, Steering Committee Chair ## Steering Committee Osni Marques (Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab., USA) - Chair Alvaro Coutinho (COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil) Michel Dayde (ENSEEIHT, France) Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee, USA) Ines Dutra (University of Porto, Portugal) Kengo Nakajima (The University of Tokyo, Japan) Sameer Shende (University of Oregon, USA) ## Organizing Committee (Tentative) Allen D. Malony (University of Oregon, USA) - General Chair Sameer Shende (University of Oregon, USA) - Local Arrangements Chair Peter Beckman (Argonne National Laboratory, USA) - Industry Chair Kevin Huck (University of Oregon, USA) - Web Chair ## Scientific Committee Kengo Nakajima (The University of Tokyo, Japan) - Chair Yifeng Cui (San Diego Supercomputer Center, USA) - Vice Chair Reza Akbarinia (INRIA) William Barth (TACC/University of Texas at Austin) Taisuke Boku (University of Tsukuba) Jed Brown (Argonne National Laboratory) Xiao-Chuan Cai (University of Colorado) Xing Cai (Simula Research Laboratory) Christophe Calvin (CEA) Andrew Canning (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Lucia Catabriga (Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo) Li Chen (Tsinghua University) Edmond Chow (Georgia Institute of Technology) Olivier Coulaud (INRIA) Alvaro Coutinho (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) Yifeng Cui (San Diego Supercomputer Center) Jose Cuminato (Universidade de Sao Paulo) Jose Cunha (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) Claudio Curotto (Federal University of Parana) Michel Dayde (ENSEEIHT) Frederic Desprez (INRIA) Philippe Devloo (UNICAMP) Tony Drummond (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Ines Dutra (University of Porto) Akihiro Fujii (Kogakuin University) Luc Giraud (CERFACS) Jorge Gonzalez-Dominguez (Universidade da Coru?a) Ronan Guivarch (ENSEEIHT) Daniel Hagimont (ENSEEIHT) Abdelkader Hameurlain (IRIT) Hidehiko Hasegawa (University of Tsukuba) Mark Hoemmen (Sandia National Laboratories) Toshiyuki Imamura (RIKEN AICS) Takeshi Iwashita (Kyoto University) Jean-Pierre Jessel (IRIT) Zhong Jin (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Takahiro Katagiri (University of Tokyo) Harald Koestler (Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg) Jakub Kurzak (University of Tennessee) Stephane Lanteri (INRIA) Julien Langou (University of Colorado at Denver) Jean-Yves L'Excellent (INRIA ENS Lyon) Sherry Li (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Paul Lin (Sandia National Laboratories) Thomas Ludwig (German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) Piotr Luszczek (University of Tennessee) Osni Marques (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Naoya Maruyama (RIKEN AICS) Kengo Nakajima (University of Tokyo) Hiroshi Nakashima (Kyoto University) Satoshi Ohshima (University of Tokyo) Hiroshi Okuda (University of Tokyo) Kenji Ono (RIKEN AICS) Christian Perez (INRIA) Serge Petiton (Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille) Francois-Henry Roeut (ENSEEIHT) Tetsuya Sakurai (University of Tsukuba) Sameer Shende (University of Oregon) Augusto Sousa (University of Porto) Reiji Suda (University of Tokyo) Frederic Suter (IN2P3 ENS Lyon) Daisuke Takahashi (University of Tsukuba) Osamu Tatebe (University of Tsukuba) Keita Teranishi (Sandia National Laboratories) Miroslav Tuma (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) Paulo Vasconcelos (University of Porto) Xavier Vasseur (CERFACS) Rich Vuduc (Georgia Institute of Technology) Weichung Wang (National Taiwan University) Roland Wismuller (Universitat Siegen) Rio Yokota (KAUST)