Telefone/Fax: (16) 3412-9752 / e-mail: sbmac@sbmac.org.br
Edifício Medical Center - Rua Maestro João Seppe, nº. 900, 16º. andar - Sala 163 |
São Carlos/SP - CEP: 13561-120
Shape and Topology Optimization with PDE Constraints is an area of advanced research that has been recognized as a powerful framework applicable in optimization design and control, inverse problems and mechanical modeling. The purpose of the workshop is to celebrate the 65th Birthday of Professor Jan Sokolowski, who has made outstanding contributions to the field. The meeting will also serve naturally as a forum for presenting new theoretical developments and applications of Sensitivity Analysis in the following topics: Multidisciplinary Sensitivity Analysis; Optimal Design and Control; Multiobjective Optimization; Inverse Problems; Mechanical Modeling; Asymptotic Analysis; Image Processing; Free Boundary Problems and Optimization with PDE Constraints.
The programme of the meeting will consist mainly of talks by the following distinguished invited speakers:
Samuel Amstutz, France Alfredo Canelas, Uruguay Michel Delfour, Canada
Bojan Guzina, USA Antoine Henrot, France Michael Hintermüller, Germany Irena Lasiecka, USA Antoine Laurain, France
Günter Leugering, Germany Alexandre Madureira, Brazil Gustavo Perla, Brazil Michel Pierre, France Pavel Plotnikov, Russia
Jaime Rivera, Brazil Nicolas Van Goethem, Italy And also by the short courses below
An Introduction to the Topological Asymptotic Analysis. In Portuguese Professor Antonio André Novotny, LNCC/MCT, Petrópolis, Brasil
Recent Advances on the Topological Asymptotic Analysis. In English Professor Jan Sokolowski, IECN, Nancy, France Since the workshop falls within the sphere of interest of the SBMAC, we would be very grateful if you could advertised the event on your Institution.
Looking forward do hearing from you. Yours faithfully,
Antonio André Novotny, LNCC Pedro Leite da Silva Dias, LNCC Sebastián Giusti, UTN