Telefone/Fax: (16) 3412-9752 / e-mail: sbmac@sbmac.org.br
Edifício Medical Center - Rua Maestro João Seppe, nº. 900, 16º. andar - Sala 163 |
São Carlos/SP - CEP: 13561-120
ICTP-SAIFR School on Pathogen Dynamics, Climate and Global Change
De 12 a 24 de Janeiro de 2015
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Lecturers / Organizers:
Andy P. Dobson (Princeton University, USA) Giulio De Leo (Stanford University, USA) Graciela Canziani (Universidad Nacional del Centro, Argentina) Mercedes Pascual (University of Michigan, USA)
Invited Lecturers:
Aaron King (Univ. of Michigan, USA) Adrian Tompkins (ICTP, Italy) Matteo Marsili (ICTP, Italy) Pej Rohani (Univ. of Michigan, USA)
Climate and land-use change are major drivers of the dynamics of infectious diseases. Understanding how disease dynamics are embedded in climate driven systems and complex ecological communities are problems deeply rooted in nonlinear dynamics. The school will provide an introduction to the basic underlying mathematical concepts used to study disease dynamics, their connections to climate systems, and the ecology and economics of land-use change.
Different aspects of these problems will be covered, ranging from theoretical to empirical work in parasite ecology, the evolution of virulence in pathogens of wildlife and human diseases. Throughout there will be a specific emphasis on quantitative aspects that use the most advanced mathematical and numerical techniques to describe the population dynamics of hosts and their pathogens in a changing environment. The school will bring together applied mathematicians, disease ecologists, epidemiologists, physicists, climate scientists, and economists. The two-week school should appeal to late-stage graduate students, post-docs, and young faculty with either strong interests in quantitative biology, or mathematicians and physicists interested in empirical non-linear systems.
Participants will be able to acquire a close acquaintance with the newest developments, not only as listeners of background keynote lectures, but also by active participation in computer demonstration and exercises; group projects will be developed on problems inspired by the lectures and each group with present their findings at the end of the course. Attendants will be invited also to give short talks about their research activity in their home country in specific sessions that will be reserved in the working agenda for this purpose. A sound background in mathematics, or physics, or statistics, or numerical computation is required. There is no registration fee and limited funds are available for travel and local expenses.
This activity will be preceded by the €˜IV Southern-Summer School on Mathematical Biology€™. Candidates may apply either for one or both schools.