Telefone/Fax: (16) 3412-9752 / e-mail: sbmac@sbmac.org.br
Edifício Medical Center - Rua Maestro João Seppe, nº. 900, 16º. andar - Sala 163 |
São Carlos/SP - CEP: 13561-120
SHORT COURSE Introduction to Adaptive Multiresolution Methods for the Resolution of PDEs Olivier Roussel
IMECC-Unicamp: June 10, 17 ( room 221, 10h-12h and 14h-16h), June 19 (room 121 10h-12h and room 221 14h-16h) LAC- INPE: June 24, 10h-12h and 14h-16h; room to be dened