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SIBGRAPI International Workshop on Face Processing Applications
06 de Outubro de 2016
SIBGRAPI International Workshop on Face Processing Applications: Biometrics and Beyond 2016 Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 6th October 2016 In conjunction with SIBGRAPI 2016
Paper submission deadline: August 1st 2016 Notification of acceptance: August 26th 2016 Camera-ready due: September 2nd 2016
Faces are visual patterns that can be easily perceived and recognized by humans. However, the computational representation and modeling of such apparently natural and heritable human ability remains challenging. Similarities between facial images, represented by intensities of pixels, geometric proportions and linear and non-linear deformations of spatial normalization of patterns, can be described as a high dimensional and sparse statistical pattern recognition problem well addressed by humans but with non-trivial scientific issues related to feature extraction and automatic coding of relevant information, classification and prediction of patterns, modelling and visual reconstruction of discriminant subspaces. These issues are multidisciplinary and inherent to several applications in Computer Science, Engineering, Psychology and Neuroscience, among others, with the aim to explain and emulate how humans accomplish so successfully this discriminant process of coding and decoding high dimensional visual patterns that may be metrically very close to each other.
The main scope of this workshop is to gather research and technological initiatives that process facial information not only as a key to security but also as a fundamental and singular pattern in human perception, social, medical and forensic contexts. We intend to promote in this workshop multidisciplinary links between research in the areas of Biometrics, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Forensic Imaging, Perception and Anthropometry that have investigated faces from distinct applied perspectives, which, however, might share common problems and use similar techniques.
Josh Davis, Dept. of Psychology and Counselling, Univ. of Greenwich, London, UK Ruth Guinsburg, Dept. of Pediatrics, UNIFESP, São Paulo, Brazil
Papers should describe unpublished work on face processing applications and be submitted via CMT system (link: https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/FPA2016), analogously to the main track of the SIBGRAPI conference. All manuscripts must be in English, have 4 pages (SIBGRAPI IEEE format) and will be reviewed by at least three members of the technical program committee.
Submission deadline: August 1st 2016
Andre L. F. Almeida, UFC, Ceara, Brazil Carlos E. Thomaz, FEI, Sao Paulo, Brazil Christopher J. Solomon, University of Kent, Kent, UK Daniel Rueckert, Imperial College, London, UK Duncan F. Gillies, Imperial College, London, UK Gilka J. F. Gattas, USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil Gilson A. Giraldi, LNCC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Jaime S. Cardoso, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal Josh P. Davis, University of Greenwich, London, UK Paula D. P. Costa, UNICAMP, Sao Paulo, Brazil Paulo G. Pinheiro, HOO.BOX Robotics, Sao Paulo, Brazil Raul Q. Feitosa, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Ruth Guinsburg, UNIFESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil Stuart J. Gibson, University of Kent, Kent, UK William R. Schwartz, UFMG, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Carlos E. Thomaz, FEI, São Paulo, Brazil, cet@fei.edu.br [4] (contact person) Gilson A. Giraldi, LNCC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, gilson@lncc.br [5] Stuart J. Gibson, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, s.j.gibson@kent.ac.uk [6]