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Edifício Medical Center - Rua Maestro João Seppe, nº. 900, 16º. andar - Sala 163 |
São Carlos/SP - CEP: 13561-120
Congresso Ibero-Latino Americano de Métodos Computacionais para a Engenharia (CILAMCE 2017)
8 a 11 de novembro de 2017 - Florianópolis, SC
Title: Nonlocal models for multiscale and multiphysics applications
Abstract: Novel nonlocal formulations of continuum mechanics, such as peridynamics and the quasi-continuum method, are now gaining traction as tools for modeling fracture, damage, phase transformations, and diffusion.
These formulations provide new alternatives to traditional PDE-based formulations for describing fracture paths and damage progression.
This mini-symposium is devoted to the discussion of analytical and computational developments in the area and their applications in the solutions of multiscale and multiphysics problems. Possible topics include nonlocal modeling of fracture, nonlocal modeling of thermal
propagation, homogenization of nonlocal theories, propagation of phase boundaries in solids, and connections between local and nonlocal models for heterogeneous media. Experimental results related to nonlocal effects are welcome.
- Adair Roberto Aguiar (aguiarar@sc.usp.br) - University of São Paulo - EESC/USP
- Marco Lúcio Bittencourt (mlb@fem.unicamp.br) - University of Campinas - FEM/UNICAMP