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GRSS Webinar: Statistical Information Theory and Geometry for SAR Image Analysis - Alejandro C. Frery
24 de Janeiro de 2018
GRSS Webinar: Statistical Information Theory and Geometry for SAR Image Analysis - Alejandro C. Frery
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
1:00PM US Eastern Time
Next Wednesday's speaker is Prof. Alejandro Frery, a GRSS Distinguished Lecturer, who will discuss the main statistical distributions used for SAR, and then apply them to eight seemingly different problems in remote sensing.
The lecture will be broadcast live from Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil at 6:00PM GMT/UTC on January 24. (This is 1:00PM January 24, US Eastern Time.)
If you would like to tune in to this free webinar, click here to register.
For more information on the lecture, visit the event description page on IEEE.tv.