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Workshop on Skills for Young Scientists/Increasing Diversity in STEM
De 07 a 11 de Outubro de 2019
ICTP-SAIFR Workshop on Skills for Young Scientists/Increasing Diversity in STEM
Start time: October 7, 2019
Ends on: October 11, 2019
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Two workshops in a row. All participants are encouraged to take part in both. The aim of the first part (Oct 7-9) is to give young scientists and science students tools to advance in their careers factoring in a gender perspective. The aim of the second part (Oct 9-11) is to exchange information on the situation of women and under-represented groups
that try to do science in Latin America and on the initiatives implemented to reduce the gender gap and increase diversity in STEM.
Activities planned for the Workshop on Skills for Young Scientists
€Accounts by well-established female scientists on how they managed to advance in their careers
€Sessions on inclusive education, gender bias and gender violence€Sessions on how to write papers and proposals
€Discussion sessions to learn from one another
Activities planned for the Workshop on Increasing Diversity in STEM
€Roundtable on race and racial barriers in the scientific and academic communities
€Discussion of the gender gap in Latin America using the results obtained through the Global Survey of Scientists
€Presentation of the book on the Gender Gap in Science in Latin America
€Talks by participants on existing initiatives in Latin America to increase diversity and reduce the gender and racial gaps in scienceand to address gender violence within the scienti c community.
Speakers and Activity Facilitators:
Alba Avila-Bernal (UniAndes, Colombia)
Marcia Barbosa (UFRGS, Brazil)
Silvina Ponce Dawson (UBA, Argentina)
Maria Margaret Lopes* (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Zelia Ludwig (UFJF, Brazil)
Laura Merner* (AIP Statistical Research Center, USA)