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Call for papers: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention

Instituio/Empresa: IJESI

International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention

Call for Papers (August 2016 Issue)

Dear Author/Researcher
IJESI is peer reviewed International Journal which publishes paper online as well as print version. IJESI is indexed in major indexing like EBSCO HOST, CABELL€™s library, ULRICH web, Jour Info etc.
ISSN (Online version):2319-6734
ISSN (print):2319-6726
Subject Category: Engineering, Science and Technology IJESI follows the rapid publication process.
Important dates are as follows:
Last Date for paper Submission: 30 August 2016.

Publication Date: 10 September 2016.
Hard copy will be dispatch within 7 days after online publication.
Please submit your paper through http://ijesi.org/online-submission.html

Website: www.ijesi.org
With warm regards

URL: http://ijesi.org/online-submission.html
