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Invitation Follow-Up: The 2017 Axioms Travel Award€”Deadline 30 October 2017

Instituio/Empresa: Axioms

Invitation Follow-Up: The 2017 Axioms Travel Award€”Deadline 30 October 2017

Dear Colleague,

We contacted you on 23 March 2017, announcing a competition for a 2017 Travel Award sponsored by Axioms (ISSN 2075-1680, http://www.mdpi.com/journal/axioms).

The award consists of 800 Swiss Francs to help support travel for a postdoctoral fellow or PhD student involved in mathematics, mathematical logic and/or mathematical physics to attend a scientific conference in 2018.

We are accepting nominations and applications for this award up until 30 October 2017. Please find additional details at http://www.mdpi.com/journal/axioms/awards.pdf and submit the required documents to axioms@mdpi.com or luna.shen@mdpi.com.

Please feel free to forward this email and share it with others who may be interested. We look forward to receiving your nominations or applications.

Prof. Dr. Humberto Bustince
Editor-in-Chief, Axioms
Department of Automatic and Computation, Public University of Navarra, Pamplona 31006, Spain

Author Benefits in Axioms

High Visibility: Indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI-Web of Science), as well as Scopus, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt MATH and other databases.
Rapid Publication: Submission to first decision takes approximately 22 days; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 4 days (median values for papers published in this journal in first half of 2017).
Open Access: Unlimited and free access for readers

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