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PhD Position on High Performance Computing and MSCA-IF opportunities at BCAM

Instituio/Empresa: BCAM

PhD Position on High Performance Computing and MSCA-IF opportunities at BCAM

PhD Position on High Performance Computing 

ESR6 for H2020 Project ENABLE (764979)

BCAM, the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics http://www.bcamath.org whose mission is to develop high quality interdisciplinary research in the frontiers of Applied Mathematics, has opened the following position:

Nro Positions
PhD Advisors

Position Offered
J. Jannsson,

Basis & Rules
F. Girot

PhD Position on High Performance Computing ESR6 for H2020 Project ENABLE (764979)

PDF email 31/MAY/2018

This position is one of the 9 positions available within the ENABLE project, financed by the EU under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions in the H2020-MSCA-ITN Program.

The European Training Network actively involves academics and industrial partners in training a new generation of young researchers for the future of manufacturing. By developing new solutions for forecasting and mastering processes relevant for all factories using metallic alloys, ENABLE proposes a complete rethink of the usual process simulation methods. Innovative multiscale (from microscopic to macroscopic scales), and multi-physics (strong thermomechanical and microstructural couplings) are addressed multi-level advanced (TRL 1 to 8) simulation. 

EU Eligibility Criteria for Candidates

The candidate may be a national of a Member State, of an Associated Country or of any Third Country.
The applicant shall at the time of recruitment be in the first four years of his/her research career and have not been awarded a doctoral degree.
The applicant must not have resided or carried out her/his main activity (work, studies, etc.) in spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to her/his recruitment (Compulsory national service, short stays such as holidays, and time spent as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention are not taken into account).
ESR6 Researcher Profile

Title:Development and implementation of computational methods in the open source automated massively parallel FEniCS framework. Ap- plication to multiplatform portability.
Objective of the PhD project:To develop and implement computational methods for the future of manufacturing of metals in the open source automated massively parallel FEniCS framework, in collaboration with leading researchers and companies in the ENABLE project. The research will focus on highly efficient general continuum modelling with adaptive error control in the Unified Continuum methodology, and to develop the FEniCS framework in general to support this type of advanced modelling.
Mobility:Visits to private sector partners and 10 months of secondment will be mandatory, to provide the ESRs with good exposure to the job market and private sector requirements 

How to apply: Send an email to the following address: esr6-application@enable-project.com . Please, put in the subject of your email that your are applying for the ESR6 position and check that you meet all eligibility criteria.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2018

BCAM expresses it's interest to host Marie S-Curie Fellows in Mathematics (MAT), Physics (PHY), Economic Sciences (ECO) and Information Science and Engineering (ENG). We kindly ask you to distribute this call among colleagues and potential candidates. For futher information, please visit the following links:

BCAM expression of Interest: Brief descrition of the institution and research lines
European Participan Portal (Program Website)
All applications must be submitted on line: deadline for submissions: Aug, 10th, 2018.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information:   recruitment@bcamath.org.


URL: http://www.bcamath.org/en/
